Gynecomastia Surgery

Asymmetry of the breasts, characterized by the two breasts not being of ideal matching size and shape but rather having different sizes and shapes, is referred to as breast asymmetry.

Gynecomastia is the term used to describe the growth of breast tissue in men, similar to that in women. This condition, which can occur during adolescence, can lead to aesthetic deformity and psychological problems if it becomes permanent. Generally hormonal in nature, this condition can be treated through various methods. The reason for its occurrence during puberty is the abnormal hormonal changes that occur during this period.

Gynecomastia surgery is defined as the surgical operation performed in cases of excessive breast growth in men. Men with female-type breast development achieve the desired breast structure size through gynecomastia surgery. There are many different factors that contribute to the development of gynecomastia. Various reasons such as medications, hormonal imbalances, and genetic factors can cause excessive breast growth in men.

How Can Gynecomastia Be Identified?

In adolescent males, sagging of the breasts is natural. However, if this condition becomes constant rather than temporary, it could be gynecomastia. However, it is not possible to diagnose this condition at the beginning of adolescence. Sometimes, excessive accumulation of body fat in the chest area can occur due to obesity. In such cases, the priority is to address and resolve the issue of obesity. If the problem persists, a doctor’s examination is recommended. Depending on whether the patient accepts the examination or not, further action is taken. To diagnose gynecomastia, the breasts need to be examined manually. Feeling a very firm and walnut-sized lump behind the nipple during manual examination is one of the initial findings. However, it is possible to say that a detailed ultrasound is required to confirm these findings.


Causes of Male Breast Enlargement?

There are many different reasons for the occurrence of gynecomastia, and these reasons can be categorized under various headings. Generally, gynecomastia occurs due to irregularities in estrogen and testosterone hormones, leading to undesirable appearances in the male body. A decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body or, conversely, an increase in the amount of estrogen hormone can predispose to the formation of gynecomastia. However, there are many different reasons for these hormonal changes. These generally include the following:

  • It can occur in cases of renal insufficiency.

  • Developmental disorders in the testicles

  • Decreased production of testosterone hormone

  • Natural hormonal changes

  • Substance abuse and alcohol

  • Herbal products

  • Medications causing gynecomastia

  • Tumors in the adrenal glands can be factors leading to the occurrence of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia should be evaluated in two different ways. The first is that it occurs with the onset of puberty in males and disappears after about 1.5 years. The other is that it occurs during puberty and becomes permanent.

Gynecomastia Treatment Method

Before gynecomastia treatment, a detailed history is taken from the patient. Hormone tests are conducted to understand the hormone levels through blood tests, and then a decision is made regarding the treatment. The structure of the patient is important in these treatment methods. Sometimes the breast areas can be excessively large, and sometimes the treatment is performed to achieve an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, a decision is made on which treatment method to apply to the patient. These methods are performed in the form of liposuction and open surgery.

Gynecomastia treatment is most effectively performed through surgical procedures. After examinations by the surgeon, the appropriate intervention is determined. It is also correct to say that different methods are used due to the classification of gynecomastia in various forms. During the operation, different methods that can be applied can be explained with various examples.

  • Glandular type of gynecomastia generally has a more prominent firm breast tissue. In such cases, surgical procedures are required for removal.

  • In mixed type of gynecomastia, both glandular tissue and excess fat tissue are present. Therefore, besides surgical procedures, liposuction for fat removal is performed.

  • Gynecomastia with fatty tissue predominance is treated with liposuction due to the predominance of fat tissue.

Gynecomastia generally begins during adolescence but may regress after a while. If there is no regression, the period between 17-18 years old after adolescence is suitable for surgery.

The recovery process after gynecomastia surgery is closely related to the technique used during the operation. If vaser or laser liposuction is utilized during the treatment, the recovery process is usually smoother. Additionally, opting for this method allows for effective results within approximately 3 weeks. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the patient is typically discharged on the same day. Swelling or bruising in the treated area may occur after the operation, but these symptoms usually subside on their own within a week. After the surgery, the patient should rest for at least 3 days, avoiding excessive movement of the arms and shoulders. Furthermore, it is safe to take a shower three days post-surgery, and the patient can usually return to work.

Aesthetic Opportunities in the Best Environment

If you have gynecomastia, you can seek help from our expert doctors. We provide the best solutions for our valued patients in our clinic where hygiene rules are strictly followed. After the surgery, you can continue your life without encountering any problems. If you wish, you can contact us to get information about our other procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Recovery Time How Long?

    Recovery period after gynecomastia surgery depends on the doctor’s decision. Although the patient can walk from the first day onwards, the doctor may recommend 2 days of rest. It is advised for the patient to avoid consuming solid foods for a certain period. Wearing a compression garment may be recommended by the doctor. The patient can return to their normal life approximately 1 week after the surgery. All medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken correctly.

  • Post-Gynecomastia Surgery

    The recovery process following gynecomastia surgery can vary for each individual. If laser liposuction techniques are utilized during treatment, the recovery process can be faster and more comfortable. When vaser and laser techniques are applied for gynecomastia caused by fatty tissue, patients can typically see the effects of the surgery and perform many movements without difficulty after about 3 weeks.Swelling and fluid retention are quite normal after gynecomastia surgery. These effects usually begin to diminish gradually within the first week. Patients who have undergone the operation may experience minor muscle aches. By paying attention to certain details, the recovery process can be made more comfortable.Following the surgery, it is essential to rest well for approximately 3 days and avoid movements that strain the arms and shoulders. You can take short showers and start slow-paced walks from the 3rd day onwards. Everyone who undergoes gynecomastia surgery should use a medical garment called a gynecomastia compression vest. It is one of the most critical aspects to be mindful of post-surgery. Wearing the compression vest is straightforward; it should be worn immediately after the operation and consistently as prescribed by the doctor. Typically, this period ranges from 2 to 3 weeks. By the third week, wearing the vest only during the daytime and during strenuous activities can be beneficial.
