Nose Hole Reduction Surgery

Nose Hole Reduction Surgery is performed to achieve a natural balance between the nostrils and other parts of the nose. From an aesthetic standpoint, the shape and size of the nostrils are adjusted to complement the rest of the nose. One of the key aspects of this surgery, especially in cases where the tip of the nose is reduced, is addressing any excess tissue in the nostrils.

This procedure, performed for individuals with large nostrils, can be done independently or as part of other nasal surgeries. Intervention on the nostrils and nasal passages is crucial not only for aesthetics but also for functional reasons. If there is insufficient cartilage support in the nasal wings, individuals may experience difficulty breathing due to negative pressure. Therefore, strengthening the cartilage support is also part of the procedure.

Who is Nasal Hole Reduction Surgery Applied to?

Nose Hole Reduction Surgery is performed to achieve a natural balance between the nostrils and other parts of the nose. From an aesthetic standpoint, the shape and size of the nostrils are adjusted to complement the rest of the nose. One of the key aspects of this surgery, especially in cases where the tip of the nose is reduced, is addressing any excess tissue in the nostrils.

This procedure, performed for individuals with large nostrils, can be done independently or as part of other nasal surgeries. Intervention on the nostrils and nasal passages is crucial not only for aesthetics but also for functional reasons. If there is insufficient cartilage support in the nasal wings, individuals may experience difficulty breathing due to negative pressure. Therefore, strengthening the cartilage support is also part of the procedure.


Frequently Asked Questions

Burun Deligi Kucultme Ameliyati 1
  • How is Nasal Cavity Reduction Surgery Performed?

    When performing only nasal cavity reduction surgery, the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Following an examination by a specialist doctor, the decision on how much to reduce the nasal cavities is determined. This procedure requires significant expertise and depends on the doctor’s judgment.

    Indeed, excessively reducing the nasal cavities beyond what is intended can lead to undesired results both functionally and aesthetically. Therefore, based on the examination conducted under the supervision of an experienced doctor, the procedure may be performed either independently or as part of a nasal plastic surgery.

  • What are the considerations after Nasal Cavity Reduction Surgery?

    Some essential considerations that need to be taken after nasal cavity reduction surgery include:

    – Keeping the suture lines clean,
    – Using antibiotic-containing creams,
    – Timely removal of stitches,
    – Being cautious about sun exposure on the operated area.

    Especially after the stitches are removed, creams that support the healing of incision scars on the nose skin should be considered. Periodic doctor examinations throughout the healing process also contribute to a healthier completion of the procedure. Ultimately, aesthetic nostrils that allow the individual to return to social life with confidence are achieved, harmonizing with the other parts of the nose, and facilitating easier breathing.
