Nose Reduction Surgery

In medical literature, known as rhinoplasty, nose aesthetic surgery is based on many different methods. Nose reduction surgeries performed on adult men and women are one of these methods. In this procedure, both the tip and the dorsum of the nose are intervened. Nose reduction surgeries are completed by removing excess cartilage and bones.

Nose reduction surgery is performed on noses with shape and size deformities. Shape, size, and proportion problems in the nose are first altered three-dimensionally, and the final shape of the nose after surgery is shown to the patient. Nose reduction surgery, which is among the nose aesthetic procedures, is also effective in bringing overly large noses into harmony with facial features. After the surgery, a more proportionate nose shape is formed. Thus, the patient achieves a more aesthetic appearance in their nose.

3D Simulation Support

With the frequent application of technology in the medical and aesthetic fields, different technologies are used in these operations. One of these is 3D simulation. The exact amount of reduction required for the nose is easily determined with these devices. During the initial examination, models of the new nose designed from many angles are shown to the patient. With the patient’s selection, the same nose simulation is obtained after the operations.


Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How Are Nose Reduction Surgeries Performed?

    In nose reduction surgeries, the internal structure of the nose, mucosal tissue, nasal tip and base width, nasal wings, and nostrils are thoroughly examined. Additionally, various examinations are conducted on the external part of the nose during the examination. Furthermore, the jaw structure, along with the forehead and cheekbones, also plays a role in influencing the appearance of the nose. If necessary, aesthetic interventions can be made in these areas to achieve a balanced and more aesthetic nose appearance.

    Moreover, any breathing difficulties experienced through the nose are addressed during the nose reduction surgery. If there are any respiratory complaints, the patient should communicate this to the specialist physician, and procedures to address breathing difficulties should be performed during the operation. After these assessments, if the specialist physician deems it appropriate for rhinoplasty, the nose reduction surgery is scheduled accordingly.

    Nose reduction surgery, performed under general anesthesia, typically lasts about 2 hours. The aim during the procedures is to meet the patient’s expectations and create the desired nose structure after the operation. Additionally, it’s accurate to say that necessary measures are taken during the surgery to ensure that the patient does not feel pain or discomfort postoperatively. After the surgery, swelling or bruising may occur around the eyes. However, these complaints typically subside after about 1 week.

  • The Benefits of Nose Reduction Esthetics

    1- More proportional facial features: Nose reduction can lead to a much more proportional facial structure. These procedures, which can now be done in a single session, also enable individuals to perceive themselves as much more beautiful and aesthetic.

    2- Improved breathing: Every procedure applied to the nose not only benefits health but also offers aesthetic solutions. Removing excess cartilage and bones that obstruct breathing elevates people’s quality of life. The risk of sleep apnea decreases, and the quality of sleep improves accordingly.

    3- Enhanced sensitivity to odors: Just as important as breathing comfortably is having a keen sense of smell. Following nose reduction surgery, patients often experience increased sensitivity to odors.

    4- Effective in sinusitis issues: Excessive cartilage in the nose, particularly when obstructing its functions, can lead to difficulty in breathing and increase the risk of sinus inflammation. This inflammation is one of the main causes of sinusitis. Nose reduction surgeries, like other forms of nasal aesthetics, are effective in addressing sinusitis issues as a secondary benefit.

  • Who Cannot Undergo Nose Reduction Surgery?

    Nose reduction surgery is a type of aesthetic procedure that can be safely performed on all healthy individuals above the age of 18. However, experts generally consider surgery before the age of 18 to be risky, with some exceptions. Additionally, nose surgery is not recommended for those planning to become pregnant or who are already pregnant. Therefore, experts advise individuals, especially those planning to have children, to undergo tests before surgery, and if the test results are negative, then proceed with the operation.

  • Factors Complicating Large Nose Aesthetics

    Generally, nasal aesthetic surgeries are more challenging compared to other aesthetic procedures. It’s fair to say that they are among the most challenging types of aesthetic surgeries for plastic surgeons. Factors complicating large nose aesthetics include the skin, bone, and cartilage structure of the individual undergoing surgery. Additionally, bleeding during surgery can also make the procedure more difficult.

    Furthermore, having a chin and cheekbones that are lighter in color than usual also contributes to their larger appearance. In such cases, the chin and cheekbones may need augmentation. Aesthetic touches to the chin and cheekbones aim to achieve a proportional appearance to the face. These aesthetic procedures on these areas also contribute to complicating the process of nasal reduction aesthetics.

  • The Healing Process After Nasal Reduction Surgery

    After nasal reduction surgery, the patient typically stays in the hospital for at least 1 day for postoperative monitoring. They are discharged the following day and sent home. While at home, the patient should continue treatment in sterile conditions. Nasal hygiene recommended by the specialist should be performed diligently, and constant communication with the doctor is essential.

    Approximately 2 weeks after surgery, the nasal bandages and splints are removed. Additionally, swelling and bruising become almost imperceptible after one week. During the healing process, it is important to avoid strenuous activities, and if exercise is necessary, it should be postponed for at least 1 month. The definitive results of the surgery start to become apparent around 6 months after the procedure. This is when the nasal structure fully settles into place.

  • The Price of Rhinoplasty Surgery

    To get more precise information about the cost of rhinoplasty surgery, the candidate should first be examined by a specialist physician. The structure of the nose varies in each individual, and accordingly, the operations to be performed on the nose during the surgery also vary. During the examination, detailed planning may be required to make aesthetic touches to different areas of the face. This situation leads to differences in prices.
