Many women are aware of how important appearance is. Numerous women resort to various aesthetic surgeries to improve their appearance. Particularly, it’s possible to say that breast aesthetics are becoming more popular every day! Shape irregularities in the breast can shatter women’s self-confidence. Asymmetrical development between the two breasts or any other reasons leading to this issue are referred to as breast asymmetry.
Breast asymmetry is one of the problems many women suffer from. However, if there isn’t a significant issue in the appearance of the breasts, it becomes possible to live with breast asymmetry. Nevertheless, the number of those who are uncomfortable with the asymmetrical appearance of their breasts is not negligible. Therefore, differences in breast size are eliminated through aesthetic intervention.
Why Does Breast Asymmetry Occur?
Breast asymmetry can be defined as the difference in size between both breasts, which is a problem encountered by almost all women. It is a condition that will not be considered problematic as long as it is not disturbing. However, when viewed from the front, there should not be a significant difference between the two breasts. Otherwise, women may experience discomfort and aesthetic concerns. Breast asymmetry should first be identified by the patient. Then, it should be diagnosed accurately through an examination by specialists.
The question of why breast asymmetry occurs is a concern for many. It should be noted that it is a congenital issue. The uneven development of one breast compared to the other leads to breast asymmetry. Additionally, different amounts of milk production in both breasts can be observed after childbirth. Moreover, if the baby nurses more from one breast than the other, it can cause imbalance in the breasts. Changes in breast size after breastfeeding can exacerbate existing asymmetry or lead to the emergence of new asymmetry issues.
Every woman breastfeeds her baby after giving birth. However, the breastfeeding period brings many difficulties. Changes or atrophy in breast tissue occur after breastfeeding. However, if these changes are not uniform in both breasts, it can lead to a significant problem like breast asymmetry. Particularly, changes in fat tissue are evident with fluctuations in weight. Ensuring that fat tissue does not accumulate in one breast allows for equal growth. There are some misconceptions about breast asymmetry. It is claimed that this problem arises after weight loss surgeries. However, after such surgeries, tissue loss in the breasts occurs at an equal level in both breasts. In other words, there is no connection between the occurrence of breast asymmetry and obesity surgeries.
How is Breast Asymmetry Surgery Performed?
Breast asymmetry requires careful examination of both breasts, considering their shape and size. Particularly in cases of congenital breast asymmetry, it’s important to decide which breast will be matched to the other. In breast asymmetry cases, one breast is usually larger than the other, and the patient’s preference is taken into account. Surgery may be performed based on the patient’s desire for both breasts to be either large or small. A preferred approach is to reduce the size of the larger breast to match the smaller one. Placing silicone in the smaller breast to match the size of the larger one is not as successful as expected, often resulting in difficulties achieving 100% symmetry.
The procedure for breast asymmetry surgery follows similar techniques used in other breast surgeries. It is performed under general anesthesia. Before surgery, a detailed examination is conducted to determine the shape of the breasts and the procedures needed for each breast. Post-surgery, the patient’s condition is similar to other breast surgeries, with minimal pain. Patients typically return to their normal activities within a week, but they should still take care, especially in the first two months after surgery. They should avoid strenuous activities that strain the arms and chest muscles.
Many women come to the surgery knowing what they want regarding breast asymmetry. Surgery is particularly successful for those with significant breast asymmetry. For congenital cases, surgery is typically performed at age 18 or older, after the completion of the development process. Additionally, patients desiring equalization of both breasts should determine their preferences in advance. It must be decided whether the smaller or larger breast will be matched to the other.
After Breast Asymmetry Surgery:
After Breast Asymmetry Surgery: This is one of the details that people wonder about the patient’s condition after breast asymmetry surgery. Especially, whether women who undergo this surgery will be able to breastfeed their babies is a common concern. However, there is no problem with mothers breastfeeding their babies after the operation. There is no issue related to breastfeeding in surgeries involving both reduction and silicone implantation. The silicone implants are placed beneath the breast tissue and muscles, ensuring that the breast tissue and glands remain completely unharmed.
Another detail that people are curious about is whether the patient will encounter the same problem again after breast asymmetry surgery. However, there is no chance of recurrence of breast asymmetry after the operation. There are no negative outcomes observed after reduction surgeries. However, women who have given birth may experience different developments. Significant weight gain or loss, especially over twenty kilograms, due to childbirth, may lead to differences in the breasts. Similarly, issues may arise due to breastfeeding.