Nasal bone deviation, which arises from disproportionate bone development or accidents, can lead to both aesthetic issues and nasal congestion. Nasal aesthetic problems negatively affect quality of life and can bring about various health issues such as dry mouth, snoring, bad breath, middle ear infections, eye pain, and sinus problems. Nasal bone deviation surgery, one of the nasal aesthetic surgeries, allows patients to overcome all these problems and achieve a higher quality of life.

Nasal Bone Surgery

Closed nasal bone surgery typically lasts between 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is performed under local or general anesthesia. After anesthesia, the bone or cartilage causing the deviation is removed, and the procedure may be completed with a rhinoplasty surgery according to the patient’s preference. The aim is to correct the deviation of the nasal bone and cartilage and achieve the most suitable nasal contour for the face, both in terms of health and aesthetics.

The duration of the operation varies depending on the severity of the bone deviation. When performed alongside rhinoplasty (nasal aesthetic surgery), the duration of the nasal bone deviation surgery may be extended.


Nasal Aesthetic Surgery Success

Prior to surgery, the intake of blood-thinning medication is discontinued. Smokers are advised to quit smoking before and during the healing process. It is one of the closed surgeries and does not leave any visible scars. After the surgery is completed, silicone splints are placed inside the nose. During the initial days, the patient is recommended to consume soft and liquid foods. Drinking lukewarm water and moisturizing the lips occasionally can provide relief to the patient, as breathing may be difficult.

During the healing process, medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken regularly. The use of blood-thinning medications is prohibited during this period. Silicone splints are typically removed within 5-7 days. It is necessary to keep the head elevated during rest and sleep. Protecting the nose from potential impacts during this period is crucial. Avoiding activities that increase blood pressure and direct exposure to sunlight is necessary during the first few weeks. The slight numbness felt in the nose and upper lip is temporary.

The surgery, which does not pose any risks, allows the patient to be discharged on the same day.”

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is Nasal Bone Deviation?

    Deviated septum, or commonly known as nasal deviation, is a condition where the cartilage tissue that should be in the center of the nose is curved to one side more or less than the midline. A healthy nasal structure has a format where the air entry hole widens backward. This ensures a constant supply of easy and clean air to the lungs at all times. Proper functioning of the nose is crucial for the health of the lungs and lower respiratory tract.

    Nasal deviation leads to obstruction of airflow, resulting in congestion. The patient cannot use both sides of the nose effectively for breathing. The development of the nasal bone due to nasal trauma continues until the age of 18. The discomfort caused by nasal congestion leads to a loss of performance in daily life. Besides aesthetic concerns, health problems caused by nasal obstruction can prevent a person from enjoying life.

  • Nasal Bone Surgery

    Nasal bone surgery stands out as one of the types of rhinoplasty. The procedures performed on the nose during the surgery involve the cartilage and bone tissues. During the operation, any deviation in the cartilage and bones is corrected to ensure a more proportionate nose for the individual. The surgery, performed under general or local anesthesia, is often conducted under general anesthesia to provide the patient with a more comfortable and convenient experience. Additionally, many patients prefer general anesthesia.

    Nasal bone surgery, conducted in a closed manner, is performed through incisions made just above the point where the nose meets the lips. Despite being a closed surgical procedure, it typically lasts for about an hour. During the operation, the cartilage or bone tissue causing the deviation is removed. If possible, correction is prioritized. However, the removal or correction of cartilage or bone tissue varies according to the patient’s condition.

    Moreover, it is also possible to undergo nasal aesthetic surgery concurrently with nasal bone surgery. Generally, the aim of this surgery is to correct the deviation in the cartilage and bone tissue while preserving the support located just in front of and on the dorsum of the nose. With this correction procedure, improvements can be made in the overall appearance of the nose, achieving a more aesthetic nose.

    Looking at the applications performed in nasal bone surgeries, until a few years ago, nasal packing fillers were commonly used. Nasal packing fillers have led to various problems in many patients, and nowadays, silicone packing application is preferred in postoperative nasal surgeries. Silicone packings, with holes at their tips, help patients breathe directly. Thus, unlike the old-style nasal packing fillers, the patient does not have to wait for the removal of the packing to breathe. Moreover, the patient does not experience difficulties in breathing through the mouth until the packings are removed.

  • What are the Causes of Nasal Bone Deviation?

    The primary reasons for the occurrence of nasal bone curvature include congenital factors. Up to the age of 16, the nose continues to grow and develop in terms of bone tissue and cartilage. After this age, the nasal structure settles, and curvature in the bones may occur due to disproportionate growth. However, this condition not only causes discomfort in terms of appearance but also leads to various problems with breathing or during sleep. In such cases, the most effective solution is nasal bone surgery.

    On the other hand, nasal deformities can also occur as a result of any impact or traffic accident. Unexpected blows to the nose or accidents can cause disruptions in the cartilage and bone tissue. Moreover, the resulting curvature can similarly hinder the patient’s breathing or completely block one of the nasal passages. In such situations, it is necessary to consult with a specialist doctor and undergo nasal bone surgery. After necessary examinations are conducted on the nose, the specialist physician recommends the most suitable method and nose shape for the patient. Following a successful operation, the nose becomes more effective both in terms of appearance and breathing.

  • What Problems Does Nasal Bone Deviation Cause?

    In individuals with nasal bone curvature, one of the most common problems experienced is related to breathing. Due to the curvature, one or both of the nasal passages may become blocked. In such cases, the individual experiences various problems not only in their daily life but also during sleep. Among these, the most well-known issues include snoring during sleep and irritation in the throat due to difficulty breathing. Generally speaking, the problems arising from nasal bone curvature are as follows:

    – Nasal curvature primarily leads to respiratory problems. Due to the curvature, individuals experience significant difficulties in breathing. Inadequate airflow through the nose can lead to various associated problems.
    – Another issue that comes with bone curvature is bad breath. Continuous mouth breathing instead of nasal breathing contributes to the formation of odor.
    – Mouth breathing due to nasal bone curvature also leads to dry mouth.
    – The unequal distribution of breaths taken through the mouth and nose is considered one of the causes of respiratory and lung diseases.
    – One of the negative effects of bone curvature is the snoring problems experienced by many during sleep.
    – Facial deformity also arises from nasal curvature. The mismatch of the nose with the face and structural deformity results in unpleasant facial appearances.
    – Middle ear infections, eye pain of varying severity, and sinus problems also occur as a result of nasal bone curvature.

    Generally, the most significant downside felt by individuals with nasal bone curvature is the facial deformity. Many people prefer nasal bone surgery due to facial deformities caused by nasal bone curvature, even if breathing problems take a back seat. However, it’s worth mentioning that individuals experiencing breathing difficulties often opt for nasal bone surgery along with aesthetic touches to their noses. This way, both respiratory problems are eliminated and the nose structure becomes more harmonious with the face.

  • After Nasal Bone Surgery

    After nasal bone surgery, there are certain things that every patient should pay attention to. These measures both speed up the healing process and prevent various problems from arising, making the post-operative period more comfortable and trouble-free for the patient. Now, let’s take a closer look at what happens after nasal bone surgery and what needs to be considered:

    – Ice application is performed until discharge from the hospital. Ice packs are changed regularly as they warm up.
    – A small amount of water can be consumed at least 6 hours after the surgery. If there is no nausea, eating is also possible. Soft foods such as soup or compote are usually recommended. Eating hard foods may cause unwanted problems.
    – It is natural to experience leakage-type bleeding after the operation. However, if there is excessive bleeding, it is essential to contact the doctor immediately.
    – After discharge, it is essential to keep the head elevated during rest or sleep at home. At least 2 pillows should be used while lying down. Because lying flat for too long can cause nosebleeds due to the effect of gravity.
    – Generally, taking a shower is possible after the operation. However, it is more beneficial to take a shower one day after the surgery. Hairstyling techniques used in hair salons, where the head is tilted backward, can be tried. In short, it is best to avoid water contact with the face during hair washing.
    – In addition, consuming foods such as green tea and parsley after the surgery can be beneficial. Because these foods help reduce swelling more quickly.
    – Also, it is necessary to use the medications recommended by the doctor after the operation. Avoiding blood thinners and only using medications prescribed by the doctor is crucial to prevent unwanted problems.

    Furthermore, glasses should not be worn for at least 2 months, and heavy exercise movements should be avoided for at least 1 month. Using softer brushes during teeth brushing prevents any problems with the nose. Of course, it is also important to avoid getting hit in the nose by engaging in hard and fast activities.
