The Golden Ratio is a connection that has persisted from ancient times to the present day, adding meaning to art and mathematics, creating a link between the two. It is defined and known as a numerical ratio connection that is considered a harmony between mathematics and art, giving the most perfect proportions between them. Although it is not precisely known who discovered it, it is believed to have been used by both Egyptians and Greeks in ancient times. During the Egyptian and Greek eras, it was used in architecture and art. In the Middle Ages, the most famous mathematician and recognized Italian origin Leonardo Fibonacci conducted research, examining the consecutive numbers and the extraordinary relationship between them. When the order of the whole world is considered, the numbers of the golden ratio, which are exactly the same as this order, were discovered and became the subject of further research, also known as the Fibonacci number.

Accepted as a Measure of Beauty

The proximity of a structure or any piece of art to the golden ratio is considered as an aesthetic measure of beauty. The golden ratio has its own unique calculation method. These calculations are made with great precision, and when any work of art and beauty is correctly calculated, it is determined whether it conforms to the golden ratio. The golden ratio has a ratio similar to the PI number. The PI number is 3.14. The Fibonacci number is known to be equal to 1.618, and calculations are made according to this ratio.

How are Golden Ratio Calculations Made?

Golden ratio calculations are quite complex and difficult. Before making any calculations, it is essential to research thoroughly and then perform the calculation. The golden ratio, as known, expresses the relationships of consecutive numbers. Therefore, when calculating, consecutive numbers are always fixed at 1.618. For example, when you divide the number 6765 by 4181, the resulting number is 1.618. As consecutive numbers grow, the proximity to the golden ratio increases. One of the most surprising features of the golden ratio is that it is calculated to be equal to the reciprocal minus one and the square plus one. There is no equivalent to the golden ratio anywhere on Earth.

Facial Golden Ratio

The increasingly popular concept of the “golden ratio” today is expressed as the ratio of the larger part to the smaller part. In facial aesthetics, the golden ratio, which is a crucial balance, is determined by measurements such as the width of the neck to the face and the proportions of the lips and eyebrows to each other. If you also want to have a face with flawless proportions, you can choose from our facial aesthetic services.