Hair loss is a significant concern for women. Having healthy-looking and thick hair is one of the most desired traits for women because beautiful hair plays a crucial role in their overall appearance. Therefore, no woman wants to experience hair loss. Unfortunately, as women age, they may encounter this problem more frequently, similar to men. Especially for women who start experiencing hair loss early, if preventive measures are not taken, they may suffer from significant hair loss. The causes of hair loss in women are diverse, and it is essential to consult a doctor and undergo necessary examinations.
Genetic and Biological Factors
Women notice the thinning of their hair in a shorter period. Particularly, the receding hairline is a crucial issue for them that requires immediate action. Genetic factors may be the cause, but women do not always lose hair solely due to genetic reasons. Even if it is due to genetic factors, taking necessary precautions can prevent this loss. Furthermore, hair loss after menopause is a common issue for almost every woman. However, there are measures that can be taken to counteract the adverse effects of menopause on the body. It is essential to consult a doctor early on regarding all these issues.
Another significant period of change for women is puberty. If excessive hair loss occurs during puberty, hormonal tests should be performed by consulting a doctor. Although this is generally a temporary problem, each individual’s body is different. Different treatment methods can be developed for different body types. Therefore, controlling hair loss during puberty is important and can even be preventable.
Postpartum Period
One of the periods when women experience hair loss is during pregnancy and postpartum. Hair loss during this period is considered temporary and normal because pregnancy is a time when hormonal balance is disrupted. After giving birth, every woman may witness a significant hair loss. However, new hair grows in place of the shed hair. If new hair does not grow in place of the shed hair for an extended period after childbirth, a hormonal test can be performed.
After a Feverish Illness or a Major Surgery
One of the most common periods when women experience hair loss is after recovering from a feverish or severe illness. Recovery may take time during these periods. Moreover, the body expends energy to renew itself, which can lead to problems such as hair loss. Since you are already under the supervision of a doctor during these periods, you can consult your doctor about this issue and even meet with a dermatologist if necessary. The same applies after a major surgery.
Medications and Imbalance in the Body
A new medication you start taking may have unexpected effects on your body. One of these effects can be hair loss. Medications should always be used under the supervision of a doctor, and awareness of their side effects is crucial. If hair loss occurs as an unexpected effect, you can discuss with your doctor and decide on the necessary precautions. However, if you have to use the medication for a while, you may have to postpone dealing with the hair loss problem. But be sure not to neglect it.
Preventive Measures Against Hair Loss
As with all hair problems, decisions about hair loss should be made in consultation with a doctor. You may also need to see a dermatologist. Women should have their blood levels and thyroid levels checked at regular intervals because anemia and imbalances related to the thyroid can also cause hair loss. Additionally, you may need to have a hormone test. If you have any problems related to these issues, you cannot solve your hair loss problem without addressing them and receiving treatment.