Facial aesthetics is often associated with eye area aesthetics. The eyes are undoubtedly the most prominent feature of the face. Various stresses and challenges in life directly impact your face, leading to a more aged and tired appearance. Therefore, without any intervention, the problems around your eyes will continue to worsen over time. Among the most commonly performed procedures in eye aesthetics are eyelid sagging, crow’s feet lines, under-eye bags, and wrinkles. After these procedures, you can achieve a fresher and younger look. As you age, your muscles and skin tissues tend to sag downward, affecting the fat tissue around the eyes. However, with minor details and small surgeries around the eye area, you can overcome this appearance. The most commonly performed eye area aesthetic procedures and problems include:

The Procedure of Botulinum Toxin Application for the Eye Area

Botulinum toksin application is a procedure done to achieve a healthier appearance of the face. Botulinum toxin is applied to areas such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines for a more refreshed look. After undergoing botulinum toxin treatment, the patient can return to their normal routine without experiencing any pain or discomfort. The effects of botulinum toxin last for at least 15 days and the appearance of the treated area remains for 6 to 7 months. After this period, wrinkles may reappear, and in such cases, reinjection is required.

Eyelid Aesthetics is Highly Important

Eyelid problems around the eyes are aesthetic issues that often require attention. Undergoing eyelid aesthetics can contribute to a better appearance. Under-eye bags and various problems in the eyelids can make you look older than your age. Therefore, you can opt for available aesthetic solutions. Eyelid aesthetics is one of them. In eyelid aesthetics, laser devices are commonly used, leaving no visible scars. The recovery period is also quite short.

Eyelid Drooping Surgeries are the Most Commonly Performed Procedures

Among aesthetic surgeries, eyelid drooping surgery is the most commonly performed procedure. Eyelid drooping can occur not only with age but also in infants and older adults. Eyelid drooping is generally caused by the gradual relaxation of the eyelid muscles and the nerves that help keep the eyelid up. If eyelid drooping is left untreated, it can lead to vision problems. However, to avoid any vision issues and to achieve a younger appearance, you can benefit from facial aesthetic options for eyelid drooping.